
Ваш центр передовых технологий для приложений потокового, студийного и канального воспроизведения
  • Новая архитектура программного обеспечения
  • Надежность эфирной работы
  • Гибридные функциональные возможности SDI и IP
  • Поддержка UHD и HDR
  • Корпоративная серверная платформа на основе стандартов

Новый сервер R&S®VENICE может применяться в любых мультимедийных рабочих процессах. Обновленный сервер R&S®VENICE — результат многолетней работы компании Rohde & Schwarz в отрасли радиовещания & и мультимедиа, разработан на базе новейших IP-технологий с учетом отзывов наших клиентов. Архитектура программного обеспечения и масштабируемость сервера R&S VENICE позволяет легко адаптировать сервер к вашим требованиям. Для получения последней версии приложения для канального, студийного и потокового воспроизведения требуется лишь оформить лицензию на программное обеспечение.В основе лежит наше новое микросервисное ядро R&S®VENICE, сопряженное с коммерческим готовым оборудованием и видеоплатой ввода-вывода, разработанной компанией Rohde & Schwarz. Features & benefits On-air reliability R&S®VENICE has no single point of failure due to redundancy of system-relevant components and the unique R&S Virtual Storage Access which virtualizes a single point of access for redundant storage repositories. SDI and IP Thanks to its unique board design, R&S®VENICE can switch from SDI to IP (ST 2110) by simply exchanging the SFP+ modules. New architecture R&S®VENICE was redesigned from scratch and based on new microservice architecture, offering purely software-enabled applications. Interoperability Due to support for various communication protocols such as VDCP (serial and TCP/IP) FIMS, MOS and more, R&S®VENICE can be integrated into any media value chain. Versatility Software applications for ingest and production workflows plus newly developed capabilities for automation driven channel playout enable the R&S®VENICE platform to be deployed across the broadcast ecosystem. Variety of codecs R&S®VENICE minimizes the need for transcoding by supporting a variety of software-based codecs that can be expanded via software updates. UHD and HDR R&S®VENICE supports up to one UHD p60 channel (bidirectional) and four HD p60 channels (bidirectional) and handles HDR material with ease. COTS server R&S®VENICE uses a standard IT server whose reliability and performance has proven itself a thousand times over in data centers worldwide. R&S®VENICE Application Suite R&S®VENICE Control Rohde & Schwarz developed R&S®VENICE Control in close cooperation with leading studio production companies to meet the high demands of multi-camera recordings. R&S®VENICE Control makes it possible to record up to 16 independent SD, HD or UHD channels in all professional production and broadcast formats. R&S®VENICE Play The R&S®VENICE Play software application is designed to simplify your life in hectic studio and live situations. R&S®VENICE Play provides clarity when managing multiple channels for studio and production playout applications. R&S®VENICE View R&S®VENICE View, a dedicated multiviewer application from Rohde & Schwarz, is the perfect addition to the R&S®VENICE product line. R&S®VENICE View uses a sophisticated IP-based software architecture that makes costly conventional SDI infrastructure and dedicated multiviewer hardware obsolete. R&S®VENICE Maintenance R&S®VENICE Maintenance was designed to meet the specific needs of administrators. As a client-server application, it lets you conveniently acquire log files from all R&S®VENICE systems in the network. R&S®Spycer The innovative R&S®Spycer data management software lets you effectively review and manage extremely large volumes of data. Create a transparent network that allows you to view and edit the contents of all connected systems using a wide array of tools.''