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R&S®FSWP-B1 Spectrum Analyzer, 10 Hz to 8 GHz
Категория - Анализаторы
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Key Facts- Simple, cost?optimized test setup Most phase noise analyzers record noise after the phase detector and then convert it to the frequency domain. The carrier of the signal under test is no longer visible. Users do not know if they are measuring on the right frequency or on an unwanted spurious signal. They do not know if the measurement result is incorrect because the carrier is unstable or drifting too fast, or because the difference between the measured signal and the reference source has grown too large. A spectrum analyzer is needed to determine this and also to examine harmonics and spurious emissions. The R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer can easily be upgraded to include signal and spectrum analyzer functionality by adding the R&S®FSWP-B1 option. Users can monitor the signal in a different measurement channel and quickly and effectively optimize and start their measurements without additional complicated cabling. This feature is also beneficial in automated test systems.
- A worthwhile investment Often, there are not enough lab applications to justify purchasing just a phase noise analyzer. Adding signal and spectrum analyzer functionality to the instrument ensures extremely good utilization, as it can be used for all the spectral measurements that are performed much more frequently in the lab. Instrument downtime is practically eliminated – a safe investment. Manufacturers of automatic test systems also save space and money since they do not have to purchase an additional spectrum analyzer.
- High?end signal and spectrum analyzer The signal and spectrum analyzer is based on the R&S®FSW with its unique RF performance and high sensitivity. The analyzer's low phase noise enables users to precisely analyze modulation, measure the power of adjacent channels with high dynamic range and measure spurious emissions, even very close to the carrier. The internal preamplifier lowers the displayed average noise level (DANL) to below –165 dBm (1 Hz). Additional noise cancellation brings the DANL close to the theoretical limit of –174 dBm (1 Hz). Spurious emission measurement in particular is extremely fast, since the R&S®FSWP measures with a higher resolution bandwidth than less sensitive spectrum analyzers. A high third-order intercept (TOI) of typically 25 dBm provides a wide dynamic range, allowing users to measure small input signals in the presence of large input signals and to determine adjacent channel rejection for wideband modulated signals. When used as a signal analyzer (R&S®FSWP-B1 option), the R&S®FSWP uses an analysis bandwidth of up to 80 MHz (R&S®FSWP-B80 option) and offers internal, I/Q data based options for signal analysis. This makes it possible, for example, to analyze pulses automatically (R&S®FSWP-K6 pulse measurements option). The R&S®FSWP records the data across a wide band and calculates all important pulse parameters such as pulse width, rise times and pulse repetition rate at the push of a button. Digitally modulated signals can be evaluated using the internal vector signal analysis function (R&S®FSWP-K70 option). The R&S®FSWP-K7 option is available for analog-modulated signals. Users can also upload the I/Q data to a computer and perform their own analyses.
- Overview
- Wide dynamic range thanks to a low noise level of –156 dBm (1 Hz) (without noise cancellation and preamplifier) and a high TOI of typ. 25 dBm
- Total measurement uncertainty of < 0.2 dB up to 3.6 GHz, < 0.3 dB up to 8 GHz
- Phase noise of –140 dBc (1 Hz) at 1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
- Signal analysis bandwidth of 80 MHz
- Optional internal measurement applications for
- Pulse measurements (R&S®FSWP-K6)
- Vector signal analysis, for analyzing digitally modulated single carriers (R&S®FSWP-K70)
- Modulation analysis of analog-modulated (AM, FM, oM) single carriers (R&S®FSWP-K7)
- Noise figure measurements (R&S®FSWP-K30)
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